How I Maintain A Cohesive Look For Our Whole Home


Today I’m talking about how I maintain a cohesive look throughout our entire home, and what benefits there are to designing your home in this way.


I think creating a cohesive look for your entire home is very important because the more consistent your home is in style and color palette, the more intentional your space is going to feel. Whenever possible, I ensure the wall color and flooring is consistent throughout the whole home. If you want to pull in some color with paint, select something from the same color family that’s within the palette you’ve chosen for furniture and accessories, so that the rooms don’t start to feel too disconnected or chaotic.


The main benefits to designing your home with a cohesive style and color palette, are that it’s going to feel larger and more relaxing. If the rooms transition seamlessly, you’re not going to be as aware of the individual spaces and will take in the home as whole. I believe this also contributes to the overall feeling of the home, and creates a more relaxing vibe no matter what your style or color palette, since everything you’re taking in visually is working together, rather than competing with one another.


Another great benefit to maintaining a cohesive style and color palette is that you can easily move small furniture and accessories to other rooms for a quick and easy refresh for free! It’s natural to get bored with your surroundings after a while, and if you have the ability to shop your own home, it prevents unnecessary impulse purchases, and fulfills your need to something fresh and new in your home.


My personal approach to this is to keep most of the larger or more expensive pieces I bring in to our home very neutral. I know that I like a light and bright space, and that won’t be changing with any trend for the foreseeable future. All of the higher price point items in our home are classic pieces that can withstand trends and are neutral in tone, so that I can easily add in various colors, patterns, and textures to create new looks without spending too much. I like to pull in color through textiles, affordable or diy artwork, and florals.


I’ve designed our dining room so that the color palette and feel is dependent upon the fresh florals or greenery I bring in. I love florals, so I really like this approach because it allows me to feel as though I have a fresh new look with only the cost of a floral arrangement. If I really want to change things up I can swap out the vase and pillows, and even then the investment isn’t too big.


Overall, this approach to design is how I make sure I have a home that feels cohesive, but is still versatile. I can easily rearrange what I currently own for a free refresh, or spend a bit of money on some new textiles, florals, and accessories and create a whole new look without breaking the bank.